Wiki Drama

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Audiência 2012 (Média TNmS)

- Título % Nº Eps
01 The Moon That Embraces the Sun 30.145 020
02 Just You 22.571 128
03 Bridal Mask 17.979 028
04 Nice Guy 16.065 020
05 Feast of the Gods 15.372 032
06 The Chaser 15.194 016
07 Arang and the Magistrate 14.330 020
08 School 2013 13.669 016
09 Golden Time 12.991 023
10 Dr. Jin 12.832 022
11 Cheongdamdong Alice 12.563 016
12 The Equator Man 11.980 020
13 The King 2 Hearts 11.975 020
14 Fashion King 11.495 020
15 Faith 11.396 024
16 I Miss You 11.267 021
17 Haeundae Lovers 10.150 016
18 Big 08.694 016
19 I Do, I Do 08.550 016
20 To the Beautiful You 05.144 016
21 Love Rain 05.100 020

Todos os itens (9)
